
Piltdown Golf Club


Retired Association of Golf Club Secretaries - July 2024

On behalf of Mo & RAGS just a quick note to thank you & Piltdown for your generous hospitality on Monday.

A very warm welcome coupled with an excellent course in fantastic condition & a post match meal, which I personally thought was the best I've had for a long time, ensured a memorable day was enjoyed by us all.

Again, thanks to you & your staff.

Robin Knapp - June 2024

Dear Secretary,

I played at Piltdown this Saturday.  

The course was a complete joy, and the clubhouse and staff could not have been more welcoming in your wonderful pub clubhouse. 

It was my first time at Piltdown and I was really impressed.  Thanks for a great day.

Jonathan Strong - June 2024

I just wanted you to know how much my team enjoyed our game, your team’s amazing hospitality and your wonderful (but challenging!!!) course and the delicious lunch. I should be grateful if you would pass on our thanks to all those involved. 

So many improvements over recent years and the course is in excellent condition.

Tim Monckton - June 2024

What a wonderful and memorable time we had of it today on your spectacular course and then back in the dining room to seal the occasion of the visit of your friends from Rye!  It has always been a treat when I have had the pleasure of being ‘selected’ to play in this match.  I cannot remember exactly when I last played at Piltdown – it may well have been before the dreadful ‘Lost years’ we all experienced not so long ago. However, we visitors saw for ourselves  the great success you have made of all the work done on and to the course. You should be rightly proud and pleased in equal measure!

Please pass on my personal thanks to all your loyal and talented members of staff. They could not have made us more welcome.  How fortunate we all are to be able to spend such days together as we did so happily today.

Old Gregorians Golf Society - June 2024

May I express sincere thanks to you and all your staff for today's match against the Old Gregorians Golf Society. 

The course was in immaculate condition and all of the visitors enjoyed playing it.  Your clubhouse staff were cheerful and helpful throughout.  The gourmet lunch was superb.

Please pass our thanks to all concerned.

Downs Wine Society - March 2024

Many thanks from all our members for enabling us to have a truly great evening. Everything was just perfect. The tables looked beautiful, delicious food and a warm welcome. The Society love coming to Piltdown, it's a highlight on our calendar.

Andrew Payne - January 2024

Hi Phil, just a quick note. 4 of us from Chartharm Park played Piltdown today. Absolutely loved it.

Started with breakfast 5 stars

Golf course 5 stars

19th hole 5 stars

Thanks for a great day, see you soon.

Michael Vince - September 2023

On behalf of all in our group I would like to express our thanks for your courtesy and hospitality when our small society visited your club last Monday.  We were made to feel very welcome by all the staff in the pro shop and especially the clubhouse. The food was great and the course was magnificent.

We all thought the members were very welcoming and friendly. Special mention must go to the two ladies who were stuck behind our final group. They were very polite and tolerant and that really made our day.

We try to visit a new Sussex course each year but we shall look forward to coming back at a future date. 

Carolyn Oldham - September 2023

On behalf of our small team of Trustees/volunteers that run the Loiyangalani Trust, I would like to extend a huge thank you for the great charity golf day you put on for us on Friday.

The golf course was in wonderful condition and all our teams thoroughly enjoyed playing there on a beautiful sunny day. The food provided for the breakfast and lunch was excellent as was the service and friendliness of your club staff.

People are already asking when we will do it again!

Pelham Golf Society - August 2023

What a lovely day we had yesterday, hot but great fun! Could you please express our thanks to your bar and catering staff, green staff and of course yourself and Phil. Love to get a date for next year around the same time, but maybe earlier tee reservation as we did keep your bar staff out a bit late !!

Simon Mortimore - July 2023

On behalf of the Seniors, may I thank you and everyone at the Club for providing us with such a magical day yesterday. The Seniors team included several players who had not been to Piltdown before. Everyone loved the course, which we all agree is in magnificent condition. The lunch was excellent as always.

Sussex Medical Golf Society - July 2023

Just a quick email to thank the club for the really great day SMGS had with you on Wednesday.

Everyone thought the course was in excellent condition, the catering fantastic and the sun shone all day.

Please pass on our appreciation to all concerned.

Ariston Meriston Golf Society - June 2023

It is wonderful to report that our visit yesterday was hailed as one of the most delightful golfing days that our members can recall. Many congratulations to your Board and the Course manager for the terrific improvements made not only to the greens but also to the fairways and the heather. We thought the presentation was first class and that included the practical but understated pathways. 

As we arrived shortly after 8am we noticed staff at the pro shop hosing down and cleaning the buggies so that they were immaculate when we took them out on the course. How one wishes that other clubs had so diligent staff!

Likewise, the kitchen and bar staff looked after us really well, from the champagne with the bacon butties to the delicious homemade lunch. Those chicken and ham pies were magnificent and much enjoyed by all. In fact, we asked the ladies who made them to come and take a bow!

Our thanks to you for arranging our 3rd and by far most successful fixture and we would all love to return in June next year. Can you find us a date please?

James Wiseman - June 2023

We had a great time on Tuesday, it was a special day, both the staff and club members made us feel very welcome. 

I don't think we could of asked for anything more, personally maybe less heather! I will discuss a return visit next year with the society.

China Golfing Society - May 2023

I write to you in my capacity as Captain (for this year) of the China Golfing Society and my main message to you is a huge thank you to you and all your team for looking after me and all those from China Golf Society who took part in this great fun annual match.

The handsome trophy was taken from your office and was presented to me at lunch which was excellent and served so efficiently by your staff.  The whole day was such fun and we were blessed by very good weather too. 

Please will you pass on my thanks to all of your team at Piltdown for making this visitor's day so memorable. 

Warren Golf Society - April 2023

Just a short note to thank everyone at Piltdown Golf Club for making our society day such an enjoyable one. Despite the weather prior to the meeting trying to thwart our enjoyment, it finally came good and we all had an enjoyable day.

Everyone that we dealt with bent over backwards to ensure our comfort and enjoyment. The food was excellent and everything was extremely good value.

Ken Bulteel - February 2023

Our evening was hugely enjoyable and all our guests have been astonished at the quality of the fare that Piltdown produced. Many of our guests have compared the quality of Saturday evening's food to that of a high-class restaurant ......... and the praise is richly deserved. There was not a weakness in the entire menu. They also thought the selection of wines was pretty good!!

The service we received from all the Bar & Catering staff on the day was exemplary.

Tony Bauckham - September 2022

We had an exceptional visit to your club yesterday. Our members congratulate you on the presentation of the course, the welcome we received and the excellent catering which Lizzy and her team provided. 

We are already looking forward to returning next  year.

Phil Revill - September 2022

Thank you for the warm welcome we received at Piltdown GC last week. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed playing  your beautiful course. At Sherwood we have numerous reciprocal arrangements with quality clubs and we believe Piltdown to be amongst the best of them.

Paul Way - August 2022

Many thanks for a great day at Piltdown today, the course has improved immeasurably since I last played it over 20 years ago. The heather and woodland management are spot on for a heathland golf course and very big well done for all those involved with this initiative. I’ve played The Berkshire, Hankley Common and New Zealand recently and Piltdown is on a par with all of them.

Mike Murray - July 2022

 Thanks for the fantastic day at your mixed open on Saturday.  This was one of the best events of this type I have had the pleasure to play in.  Super day all round with a great course, greens not set too fast and fantastic buffet lunch.

Martin Osborne - July 2022

Our visit to Piltdown GC yesterday was well worth the three years wait we had to make for it.

All the team at Piltdown made us very welcome and all the Purley Downs members thought the course a testing but fair challenge  and in excellent condition. We enjoyed the traditional feel of your clubhouse and excellent facilities.

I shall definitely be making a return visit to Piltdown but will not be waiting three years to do it. 

Tim Monckton - June 2022

How absolutely stunning the course and your magnificent landscapes were looking! The colours, the magnificent oaks, the miraculous quality of the greens - I think it overwhelmed this visitor when it came to putting. A profound "thank you" therefore from this participant for all your hospitality. Please do convey my thanks to all your hard-working staff and members who made for such a perfect visit to Piltdown.

Paul Kennett - November 2021

Golf was once described as a good walk spoilt. For me, Piltdown provides the most delightful exception to this. Fine turf and true greens blend in with a lovely English country walk in total harmony. Piltdown like so many top 100 courses provides a good test, but it is always a pleasure to take a walk over this unique and timeless track.

Trishia Blewitt - November 2021

Many thanks for hosting the dinner last night at the club. The food was delicious and the staff were excellent.

We all enjoyed ourselves and it was nice to meet new  people in Piltdown.

Ian Brand - September 2021

Lovely course in first class condition with probably the best greens in Sussex when we played. Piltdown also has a nice traditional clubhouse with a good choice of beer and food. Would certainly return.

Andrew Richardson - September 2020

I hadn't played Piltdown for 10 years. It was always OK and enjoyable. Recently I had the pleasure of playing in the SPGU Pro-Am and I was completely stunned with the course and especially the greens. They were absolutely stunning and I believe Piltdown has been elevated to the best in Sussex.

Your hospitality and catering as always was top notch.

So well done to you and your team, I will be returning next year if not sooner.

Robin Meyer - Senior Golfers - September 2020

A very big thank you to you and Piltdown’s wonderful staff for giving us Seniors such a lovely day on Saturday. As David Tate said at lunch, Piltdown just gets better and better. I have had many letters from those who played which have been very complimentary about the Club and the Course.

John Dean - Golf Punk Magazine - August 2019

What a fantastic day! The course was in such great condition, and the greens were perfect. All the investment has really paid off, and the course was a joy to play. 

The last course in Sussex I played was West Sussex, but I really think that you are now knocking on their door.

P.H. - Seniors V Lucifers Fixture - July 2019

I must congratulate you for the transformation of the clubhouse and course since I last played. Both were in great condition and made it a very enjoyable visit. Fantastic standard!

Sussex Professional Golf Union - July 2019

The SPGU enjoyed a wonderful day at Piltdown GC. The course was in magnificent condition and all players were unanimous in saying they were the best greens they had played on this year.

A J Richardson - Golf Professional - July 2019

Was great to get another win yesterday under my belt in the APGU at Piltdown Golf Club. I have been lucky to play Walton Heath and West Hill this week, and I’m happy to say the condition of Piltdown was the best of the three!

Nigel R - Purchasers Team Manager - June 2019

Thank you both for looking after the Purchasers so well yesterday.  Everyone agreed that the course was in magnificent condition and the greens certainly provided suitable challenge!  Once again the hospitality of the Club was exceptional and the food quite excellent.  Perhaps you would pass on the Purchasers' thanks to the Secretary and Head Chef?

Paul Butler - Grasshoppers Society - June 2019

Just thought I would drop you an email to say how much we all enjoyed our day yesterday at your club

The course was in excellent condition and the food was exemplary

Hopefully we will return in the not too distant future

H.T. Society Organiser - June 2019

We had so many positive comments about the course, the food and the staff - everyone really enjoyed it. Please thank all the staff for making us welcome and especially the chef for the buffet which was great and many commented that they wish their club could provide the same quality!

T.M. Rye Golf Club member - June 2019

Just a short message to thank you and your wonderful kitchen staff for all your hospitality yesterday when a group of us were your guests – and lost to the ‘Home team’!

Your course is in absolutely wonderful condition – you must be so pleased with all the work you put in to the greens and fairways – was it a couple of years ago now?  The outcome of what you have done to the lake and water down by the second and third fairways must be a source of particular satisfaction and pride!

Many thanks indeed for a superb meal which followed our round – the kitchen staff deserve the highest praise – both for the delicious food and the way we were looked after.  Do please pass on my thanks.

Jamie Mills - Green Fee Player - June 2019

I thought I would drop you a note to you to say how much I enjoyed a round of golf at Piltdown yesterday.  A friend and I paid a green fee yesterday afternoon, being lucky enough to escape the evening downpour!  This was our 1st time playing the course and we both felt strongly that the course was absolutely fantastic, very playable with superb greens. 

I'm an 8 handicapper, who has just moved into the area, and its fantastic to have such a great course close by.

Mark Terry - Secretary of Sussex Golf Captains - May 2019

Hi Phil

Please pass on our thanks to the staff and your committee for providing such a super venue for our match against Hampshire today.

The welcome we received was excellent along with the quality of the course and catering.  Great tip of yours to order Lamb Shank!

It was unfortunate that the weather was so miserable but everyone commented on how good the course was looking.

Andrew Bouchard - Optimists Golf Society - May 2019

I am writing on behalf of the Optimists Club Golf Society from Jersey. We played your course on Saturday and I wanted to thank everyone at Piltdown who made our experience so enjoyable. 

We were made to feel really welcome and although Your Golf Travel made a mistake with our tee times, your staff (it may have been you) explained the situation clearly and did what they could so that we could tee off earlier. The course was also fantastic. A number of our members commented on how pleased they would be if Piltdown was their local club which I think is a testament to our experience. 

G.M. - Piltdown Club Member

After joining Piltdown in 2016 I was a bit apprehensive about the works being carried out on the course and greens. I am just writing to tell you how pleased I am with the outcome. I played on Monday and was so impressed with the condition of the course and the work that has been, and is still being, carried out. I have not been playing golf for 5 months and the difference that I saw on Monday was incredible.

Please share this with the whole grounds crew. Every time I play it is more and more pleasurable.

Bill Jewel - Avenue Bridge Club - March 2019

We wish to convey our sincere thanks for the excellent arrangements that you and your team provided.

Particular comments go to your chef - everyone commented how excellent the food dishes were. The dining room was also very well presented with table names and menu choices provided.

The excellent hospitality provided by your club resulted in our bridge club's first away day event being a great success.

Martin Gillett - October 2018

A quick note to say thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality on Monday. Everything, and I do mean everything, was just superb. Your staff are a credit to you!

Nigel Manger - Royal Navy Golf Society - October 2018

Yesterday was a great success. All were very impressed with the course and with the lunch. So much so that all have requested that we hold the fixture at Piltdown in 2019.

Chris Sellings - Visitor - September 2018

I couldn't let an opportunity to heap high praise on your course staff, professionals and members go by.
I made initial enquiries to visit you on a green fee with Chris who was exceptionally warm and friendly. This continued throughout my round from some lovely lady members and many others who stopped to say hello while on adjacent fairways.

The greenkeepers were ever present keeping the course immaculate, but respectful while I played my shots. They were obviously  very proud of what they do giving a very fair and challenging 1st round visit.
It's very rare that a course  can really stir your golfing emotions, and yet I now have Piltdown under my skin. It's lovely. It's makes you feel like your playing in a little golfing bubble.

Everything that is good about golf you can find at Piltdown.

Thank you for a lovely day. My little terrier enjoyed the new pats and praise from your members. 

Roger Sellars - Hever Castle Golf Club - September 2018

My sincere thanks to you and to the whole team at Piltdown for having provided the Hever Castle visitors yesterday with a superb golf course, a great match and a fabulous lunch.

Golf in England just does not get any better than that.

Glyn Bateman - Sussex Professional - September 2018

The course was in superb condition. Those were the best greens we have ever played on in any Sussex Professional event.

Richard Leeves - Plus 1 handicap - September 2018

What can I say?! I have been fortunate to have played some of the highest ranked courses across the UK with England Golf & Sussex County and I cannot stress enough in my belief that Piltdown is right up there with the very best of them.

The course was presented professionally, it played fairly but tough in places, and the green structures add a whole extra test to the already challenging heathland course.

Martin Elliott - Pelham Golf Society - September 2018

I just wanted to say a big thank you to every one at Piltdown. The course is in wonderful condition with the works you have done, and continue to do really making a significant difference !

The food as ever was magnificent and the staff very friendly, all in all a great day.

Mike Sawicki - Secretary Parkstone Golf Club - August 2018

I played in the GCMA event last month at Piltdown, and I just wanted to drop you a line to express how impressed I was with the day. Everything, from the competition set up, atmosphere and food were first class, but what impressed me the most was the course.

I really liked the presentation on the approaches and the cleanliness of cut. The fairways were the best I have played on this year. I have played at Hankley Common, Sunningdale, Parkstone, Walton Heath and Ferndown and yours were the best. As clean as a whistle and beautifully presented.

Heather Hutton - Walton Heath Golf Club - August 2018

Thank you and your team at Piltdown for such a happy afternoon's golfing for all of us.  You looked after us so well, and I think there is a strong rumour that  we will be back next year for more!

The course is terrific and it was a treat for me to play it again. Those who played it for the first time can't wait to come back.

From the MCC Golf Society - June 2018

Course simply magnificent, and greens that even a Rye member thought better than theirs at this time of the year.....

Catering was up to the normal high standard. A senior MCC member said that he always booked into the Piltdown match for the quality of the lunch!

From Rye Golf Club Match Manager - June 2018

I have not visited Piltdown for quite some time - I have now seen for myself the fruit of your tremendous investment. You have a beautiful course in top condition. You should feel justifiably proud of your achievement.

Please also convey thanks to Lizzie for the lavish and delicious hospitality.

Apart from conceding defeat it was a day to remember.

From Old Gregorians - June 2018

On behalf of the OG’s, a huge thank you to you and Piltdown for yet again making us so welcome. As always we have had a wonderful day in good company, and most importantly a lot of laughter.!

I would be very grateful if you could pass on our thanks to your green staff for what has clearly been hard work, with excellent results.
And please say thanks to Hazel and her team for their great attention on a very busy day for them.


Golf Club Lane, Piltdown , Uckfield, TN22 3XB
Tel: 01825 722 033 |
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